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Treadmill Workout For Beginners

May 16, 2024

Try this treadmill workout for beginners.  If you are just starting out a New Years Resolution or you need a 20 minute jumpstart to your workout.  You might like this.  it is short and sweet and you will be so busy keeping track of time and incline it will fly by.  You might do it twice!! 

00:00-03:00 2.8 1.0 Warmup
03:00-05:00 3.3 2.5  
05:00-07:00 3.8 3.0  
07:00-09:00 4.0 4.5  
09:00-11:00 4.8 6.0  
11:00-13:00 4.0 4.5  
13:00-15:00 3.8 3.0  
15:00-17:00 3.5 2.5  
17:00-20:00 2.5 1.0 Cooldown

When the above gets too easy.  Here is the next step!!  Keep up the good work!!                                                           

00:00-03:00 3.8 1.0 Warmup
03:00-05:00 4.3 2.5  
05:00-07:00 4.8 3.0  
07:00-09:00 5.0 4.5  
09:00-11:00 5.8 6.0  
11:00-13:00 5.0 4.5  
13:00-15:00 4.8 3.0  
15:00-17:00 4.5 2.5  
17:00-20:00 3.5 1.0 Cooldown

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At Fit to be Trained, we understand the importance of overall wellness, especially for busy mature women striving to regain vitality. Our mission is to provide enjoyable fitness and lifestyle solutions, ensuring your journey to health is both effective and pain-free.

Today, Iโ€™m excited to share with you some valuable insights on foods that promote gut health. A healthy gut is crucial for overall well-being, impacting everything from digestion to immune function and even mood.

Incorporating gut-healthy foods into your diet can make a significant difference in your overall wellness and energy levels. Foods rich in probiotics, fiber, and polyphenols are particularly beneficial for maintaining a balanced gut flora, aiding digestion, and enhancing nutrient absorption.

At Fit to be Trained, weโ€™re here to support your journey to health with tailored fitness programs that fit into your busy lifestyle. Our shorter, pain-free workouts are designed to help you stay active and feel your best without overwhelming your schedule.

For more personalized advice on diet and fitness, feel free to reach out to us. We're committed to helping you achieve a balanced, vibrant lifestyle.

Stay healthy and energized!